The power of Good People

From its inception, the Albina Vision Trust has always existed at the collision point of technical expertise, creative prowess and community-driven visioning. Over the past 4 years, AVT has turned what was once a mere PowerPoint presentation into a nationally heralded, precedent-setting model for 21st century urban development. 

The widespread recognition of this project and its potential is a direct testament to the world-class talent of the staff, board leadership and community members behind the work.


Board of Directors

leadership council

Intisar Abioto | Photographer, Dancer, Writer

Michael Burch | Community Relations & Outreach, NW Carpenters

Cobi Lewis | Executive Director, Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO)

Nolan Lienhart |Principal and Director of Planning & Urban Design, ZGF

Christopher Mattaliano | Stage Director, Teacher, Arts Consultant

Kay Toran | President/CEO, Volunteers of America Oregon

Bob Walsh | Chairman of Board, Walsh Construction